Thursday, October 1, 2009

Skeptic North Launches

I have a funny feeling that some where in the 'hood of half the people who read this blog already know this and that half of those are contributors... but...

Skeptic North is alive, Johnny 5!

The first pan Canadian Skeptical blog. I am a featured contributor as are a host of noteworthy skeptics from coast to coast.

I'm excited about (that's "aboot" for people in Ontario) the project, and I'm hoping big things come from it.

My posts there will be.... more polite... than you will typically see here, but there may be some cross posting when I can keep my tongue - errr... typing... in line.

Not much more to say that can't be better discovered by heading over there... but keep coming back here......... please. (I may never say 'please' again - so savour it.)

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